Opening Weekend! 2025 Season!
Join us for the beginning of our 21st season AS WELL AS Wayne’s birthday. Yes….there will be cake.
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Join us for the beginning of our 21st season AS WELL AS Wayne’s birthday. Yes….there will be cake.
The Rooted Voyageurs are back to perform William Shakespeare’s, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Join us on the lawn for the fun.
Once again, The Rooted Voyageurs will be performing at Les Trois Emme. Come see A Midsummer Night’s Dream at 3. Enjoy a glass or two of wine. Bring a blanket or lawn chair.
A Fall day in the Berkshires is the perfect time for music on the front lawn. Join us for our last scheduled event for the 2024 season with Tom Savoy!
Dave’s last appearance at the winery for the 2024 season. Join us and sit back and relax!
Musician Tom Savoy plays on the front lawn in August! Join us for a beautiful day in August with wine, friends, and music.
Rain or Shine! Enjoy music, wine, and lobster on Saturday August 24. It doesn’t get any better.
Live music with Dave Dempsey! Sit back with a glass of wine and relax!
Local musician Dave Dempsey is at the winery during August! Bring a lunch or purchase a snack plate! Bring a friend or come by yourself!
The Rooted Voyageurs present William Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” on the lawn at the winery!!!! Bring your lawn chair or blanket for a special production….
Winery is closed on Saturday for family party. Please join us on Sunday!
Tom Savoy closes out the 2022 music season at Les Trois Emme Winery. Join us…..
The weather is expected to be close to 70 and sunny. Enjoy being outdoors with great wine and fantastic music.
Dan Halse will be with us for THREE Saturdays! October 1, 8, and 15. If you haven’t heard Dan you are in for a treat. Let’s celebrate the Autumn season with pumpkins and the sound of Dan Halse.
Live Music on Saturday, October 8 with DAN HALSE and live music with TOM SAVOY on Sunday, October 9. Open 12 to 5 both days.
Local musician, Dan Halse plays jazz and blues on his guitar at LTE. For a relaxing musical experience, join us at LTE winery and enjoy Dan!
We are happy to have David Dempsey back at LTE winery in September. David is a 1973 Mount Everett Graduate and we welcome all Mount Everett Alumni to enjoy David’s music and the Winery’s wine.
We are very excited to welcome Frank back to the winery for this one date. Don’t miss out!
Join us when Great Barrington Local, David Dempsey plays on the front lawn at Les Trois Emme Winery. We welcome Dave back.
If you haven’t found the time to visit the winery, this is a great time. Tom is on the front lawn, pop-up wine sales are happening, and you deserve to relax.
August is Tom Savoy month at the winery. Bring your friends and family for a fun afternoon.
Tom Savoy performs on the front lawn! We have tables and chairs, wine, and food plates for you! Look for potential pop-up wine sales also.
Join us for a relaxing afternoon on the lawn with a glass of wine in your hand and the sounds of Tom Savoy in your ears…..
Family fun at the winery on Saturday, July 23 anytime between 12 and 5. Stacy and Jack Connolly from Boston will be set up for "mining and sluicing" with their mining bucket bags. Bags are $30 and are full of fun and raw gemstones.
A change in dates for 4th of July weekend! Tom Savoy will be on the front lawn on SUNDAY! The weather isn’t looking good for Saturday, SO>…..join us on Sunday instead.
Tom Savoy will be playing his guitar and entertaining on the front lawn. Tables and chairs will be set up! Bring your lunch, your friends, and your need for great wine.
Tom Savoy will be back at the winery on our opening weekend! Tom plays from 1 to 4 on Saturday and we are open 12 to 5. Welcome Back!
Contact us at 413-528-2051 if you are interested in reserving time for a private tasting with friends/family. Minimum of 10 people in your party.
Bring your guests and relax in the tasting room or the bottling room. We will be open from 12 to 5.