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Tasting Room/Our Wines


Opening Weekend for 2025 season is Saturday, April 5 and Sunday, April 6!

White Wines

  • Splash of White - A sweet and refreshingly crisp white.

  • Enrapture - Made from the Cayuga grape, an off-dry white with hints of apple and pear.

  • Cranberry - A white wine infused with cranberry essence!

  • Stingy Jack’s Pumpkin - Our famous pumpkin wine has subtle spice flavors that are perfect at any time of the year! The base is an off-dry Cayuga White.

Red Wines

  • Shiraz-Cabernet - A 70/30 blend of oaked wines.

  • Grenache Rose - Made from the Grenache grape, a dry wine that is perfect any time of year.

  • Berkshire Red - A blend of Shiraz, Grenache, and Cabernet. Our driest wine.

  • New Marlborough Estate - Marchel Foch and Marquette grapes grown here in New Marlborough.

  • Entourage - An American dessert wine made with Old Vine Zinfandel grapes. 18% alcohol.