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Hudson-Berkshire Wine and Food Festival


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Hudson-Berkshire Wine and Food Festival

  • Columbia County Fairgrounds Route 66 and Route 203 Chatham, NY (map)

The 5th Annual Wine and Food Festival will feature beverage trail members plus other regional wineries, distilleries and cideries. Sat., 11am-6pm / Sun. 11am-5pm.

There will also be delicious foods for sale and sampling including gourmet cheeses and creameries, baked goods, grass fed meat producers and more! Throughout the weekend there will be special guest appearances and book signings, seminars of wine and food pairings, home brewing, and cheese making by some of the region’s foremost experts.

Tasting Ticket
Includes admission, souvenir tasting glass and all the wine and spirits you care to taste for one price.

One Day Tasting – $20.00
Tickets for sale at gate. Use entrance on Rt. 66.

Earlier Event: May 20
Bruce Gregori plays at the Winery!
Later Event: June 17
Bruce Gregori on the Lawn