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Our Story

Our Story

Nestled in the South Western portion of Massachusetts, the Berkshires is home to Les Trois Emme Winery. We are located in rural New Marlborough Massachusetts, just minutes away from Ski Butternut, The Norman Rockwell Museum, Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center, Tanglewood and the esoteric shops and restaurants of Great Barrington, Massachusetts.

Les Trois Emme Winery is owned and operated by Mary Jane and Wayne Eline. “Les Trois Emme” means “The Three M’s” and is named after the first three granddaughters, Megan, Madison, and Mary Katherine.

A visit to Les Trois Emme winery includes a tour of our facilities where you can find out as much or as little as you would like about the process of making wine. After your tour, you are welcome to enjoy a tasting of our wines. The cost is $8.00 per person.

Enjoy our grounds outside with a glass (or a bottle) of wine. Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the gazebo that overlooks the vineyard or sit out front at one of our café tables.

You will never forget your visit to Les Trois Emme Winery.